Monday, August 31, 2009

New Season

Welcome to a new FLL season! The challenge is "Smart Move". It is essentially mass transportation. We forgot to mention that there are robotics challenges. Basically, a robot has to do certain things on a rectangular table with a specially designed mat and some lego mission models. Another team has an identical board glued to ours on the long side opposite from base. The most puzzling mission model this year is the bridge: it seems to make it so that an object, our robot, for example, can go over it to the other side.

This is a post from Tree Guy, a.k.a. Alpha Rex.

The wires for the NXT are like telephone jacks, with one difference: the snap-connector on top is to one side, not in the center, to prevent kids from connecting their robots to the telephone line.

Brrriiiiing! Brrriiiiiing!
person: Hello?
NXT: Hello.
person: Who is this?
NXT: Alpha Rex.

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